Frequently asked questions

You may have questions that arise when working your way through the aged care process, so we have compiled our most frequently asked questions and their answers.

There are no restrictions on the number of visitors, the frequency of visits, the day of visiting, the time of day for visiting or length of the visits at our 13 aged care homes.

Please visit the Eldercare's response to COVID-19 page for more information about current visiting precautions.

Yes, Eldercare receives care subsidies from the Australian Government.

Some Eldercare sites may be able to offer respite care. Please contact the Eldercare residential admissions team on 1300 925 414 or at for further information and availability.

All Eldercare residential care facilities provide Additional Services which complement our high-quality service.

Please note Additional Services may vary at Oxford in Hove and The Lodge in Wayville. For more information about Additional Services and pricing, contact our residential admissions team on 1300 925 414 or at

If a guardian or a substitute decision-maker (SDM) requires more authority to make decisions for a person who does not have decision-making capacity, the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (SACAT) can grant Special Powers.

Special powers orders require an application to SACAT. It is a routine process that representatives of Eldercare residents moving into MSU are required to complete. Special powers are in addition to any existing guardianship and administration orders - they do not replace or alter any current powers afforded to substitute decision makers.

View Eldercare's Guide to applying to SACAT for provision of special powers for more information.


Eldercare supports ‘ageing in place’ where the level of care provided can be adjusted accordingly if your care needs change.

Decisions about where you will live within your facility of choice will prioritise your wellbeing, protection and safety and take into account our ability to provide you with the best possible care. There may be times when we will need to reassess where you live within your chosen facility to ensure we meet these priorities. You will not be required to move out of your chosen facility but you may possibly be asked to move rooms if it is assessed that this is necessary for your wellbeing and for you to receive quality care.

A comprehensive care plan will be created for you upon arrival and is regularly updated depending on your care needs. Please speak with your Site Operations Manager or Clinical Leader if you have any questions.

Each Eldercare site has a dedicated spiritual care practitioner who provides a pastoral care service for residents and their families and friends. This spiritual care service is extended to everyone as your care needs change and relationships are adapting to meet the living realities of a family member in care.

Eldercare’s 13 residential care facilities are accredited by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (the Commission) who conduct regular unannounced audits.

The Aged Care Quality Standards encompass eight standards:

• consumer dignity and choice
• ongoing assessment and planning with consumers
• personal care and clinical care
• services and supports for daily living
• organisation's service environment
• feedback and complaints
• human resources
• organisational governance

Accommodation and pricing

If you would like to know how much you might have to pay towards your aged care home, the 'My Aged Care' fee estimator can give you an estimate – to help you plan.

This simple calculator asks for a few details (about your income, assets and household) to calculate what your fees might be. The figures it provides are an estimate. The exact amount you pay will depend on your financial situation when you enter care and the provider you choose.

Click here to get a fee estimate.

You will need an aged care assessment before applying for residential care. This involves a nurse, social worker or other health professional coming to your home and talking to you about how well you're managing in your day to day life. You will also need an assets and income assessment. View Eldercare's process of moving into residential aged care flowchart for the contact details and for further information.

Once you have received your aged care assessment, you can apply for residential care at Eldercare by completing an application online. Alternatively, if you would like some guidance relating to your application, please contact the Eldercare residential admissions team at 1300 925 414.

We recommend that you submit your assets and income assessment information (refer to next FAQ) to Eldercare's residential admissions team soon after submitting your Eldercare application.

Call the Asset Assessment Team at the Department of Human Services on 1800 227 475 and ask for a Permanent Residential Aged Care Request for a Combined Assets and Income Assessment to be sent to you.

Please note that this letter can take several weeks to arrive so we encourage you to submit the Combined Assets and Income Assessment Form as early as possible.

All residents will need to pay both care costs and accommodation payments. The amount you will pay for residential care is determined by your Combined Assets and Income Assessment (refer to previous FAQ) and can be different for every new resident.

Eldercare accommodation prices can be viewed online. Alternatively, you can call the Eldercare Residential Admissions team on 1300 925 414 for further information.

Some of our facilities may have a waiting list as it can take some time for a residential care place to become available. When a vacancy arises, Eldercare staff will consider the applications already received and seek an applicant who meets the criteria for the accommodation being offered.

Aged care providers are required to provide a certain number of beds to residents who have limited financial means. The ratio of beds to be provided is prescribed by the Australian Government and depends on the location of the facility. Depending on your level of assets and income, part or all of your costs may be met by the Australian Government.

When you enter care, you will need to choose how to pay for your cost of accommodation either via a Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD) or Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP) or combination of both. The DAP is calculated from the RAD amount at a government prescribed interest rate (MPIR).

For example: A single room with an ensuite with a Refundable Accommodation Payment (RAD) of $400,000: Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP) = $400,000 x MPIR %/ 365 A resident can elect to pay a combination of RAD and DAP to suit their financial circumstances. Please refer to Eldercare’s online pricing calculator, found on each aged care home's page, which can calculate the RAD/DAP combinations for you.

You will have up to 28 days after entering permanent residential care to select how your accommodation costs will be paid i.e. Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD) or Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP) or combination of both. During this 28 day period, you will need to pay the DAP whilst you make your decision.

Yes, the deposit is fully refundable. However, you can elect to have the agreed Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP) deducted from the RAD in order to meet an agreed amount of accommodation payment.

You have six months from the date of entry to pay your RAD. You will still need to pay a Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP) until your RAD is paid.

A response is usually required on the day of offer or at least within 24 hours.

The financial implications of aged care are complex. If you have queries regarding your specific financial situation you may choose to seek independent financial advice. If you have queries regarding Eldercare's room pricing, payment options or general questions about the costs of residential care, please contact the Eldercare Residential Admissions team on 1300 925 414.

Most rooms will allow for small pieces of furniture along with personal items such as photos and trinkets. Beds, bedside cupboards, wardrobes and linen are all provided.

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